We are

The Bags Club

We generate powerful and immersive metaverse experiences with world wide impact. Stay tuned for our latest announcements!
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Inmersive experience

Metaverse raves

Ibiza’s Amnesia in collaboration with the Bags Club, is marking a significant fusion of nightlife legends to bring the quintessential party experience into the metaverse.

Together, we bring top-tier DJs and artists in an immersive digital landscape. This collaboration between not only bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds but also opens up new avenues for global access to premium entertainment experiences. It heralds a new chapter in the evolution of music and social gatherings, allowing fans to dive into the electrifying atmosphere and musical bliss of Ibiza’s famed parties from anywhere on the planet.


Online streams

We’re innovators in the entertainment landscape, orchestrating events that capture the imagination of audiences worldwide. In a groundbreaking partnership with the iconic Amnesia Ibiza, we’re setting the stage for an unprecedented fusion of real-world allure and digital innovation. We bring the globe’s most celebrated DJs directly into the metaverse, offering an immersive, unparalleled experience that transcends the ordinary. Our collaboration is more than just events; it’s a gateway to new dimensions of enjoyment, uniting fans across the globe in a spectacular celebration of music and technology. Join us as we redefine entertainment, one beat at a time.

Live Stream Starts In

we elevate brands

Real world activations

By leveraging the Bag Token we enable our visitors to acquire branded NFTs, but we’re not just offering an added layer of engagement to our brands and partners, we’re also pioneering a new form of communication and interaction that marries the physical with the digital, the tangible with the collectible. This strategy exemplifies our forward-thinking approach to marketing and brand storytelling, setting new standards for how brands can connect with their audiences in meaningful and innovative ways.


The BRESHKA case represents a significant milestone in marketing, showcasing our ability to bridge the gap between the tangible and the virtual. By leveraging the metaverse as a platform for brand storytelling and product display, we’re not just reaching wider audiences; we’re also offering them a novel way to experience and connect with the brand. This holistic strategy underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in marketing, creating activations that resonate with consumers on multiple levels and drive meaningful engagement both.

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